6A, B and C: Final Project for Ecosystems and Living Things

Hi Year 6! Are you ready to make something for your final Natural Science project? You are going to make a 3D model of an ecosystem and represent a food chain. You can choose whichever ecosystem you prefer from this list ⬇️ 👀 This project will be in small groups (maximum of 4 students). Here […]

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6A: Ecosystems and Living Things

In this project, we are going to combine a lot of things from Natural and Social Science. Let´s find out about ecosystems and relief (the shape and form of the land)… Our planet is made up of many different types of ecosystems. An ecosystem is combination of living things (knows as biotic factors) and non-living […]

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6A: Thursday 11th April

Today, let´s learn about the male reproductive system! Before we get started today, let´s see what we can remember about the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle… This Blooket is all about the female reproductive system. It is available until Wednesday 17th April at 22:00, so you can play again and again to help […]

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6B and 6C: Wednesday 10th April

Today, let´s learn about the male reproductive system! Before we get started today, let´s see what we can remember about the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle… This Blooket is all about the female reproductive system. It is available until Tuesday 16th April at 22:00, so you can play again and again to help […]

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6B: Tuesday 9th April

Today, let´s take a look at more of the products we can use to help us with the mesntrual cycle… Let´s go! These are the notes from this unit so far, just in case you are missing something! ⬇️ Please check you have these two worksheets in your notebook! ⬇️ Time to learn more about […]

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